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A member registered Feb 20, 2018

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Thanks for replying!  You know, you make some really valid points and I feel really ill-equipped to debate this with you any further, nor would I want to because I now find myself thinking about this a lot differently.  You seem to have devoted a lot of time not only to processing your experience but also evidently giving the subject a scholarly treatment.  Thanks for making such an interesting and intruiging game, and for also taking the time to discuss the sensitive subject it covers.

As a game, this is great and it is thought provoking.  My feelings on this are obviously going to be different from yours, though.  Trying to fit in with your friend does not fit the definition of coercion.  If you are uncomfortable in a situation it's your responsibility to bail.  You did as much of a disservice to your friend by consenting, because some guys are not very adept at understanding body language and double meanings.  When you say yes but you clearly mean no, that is going to be a huge problem for someone who already expressed to you that they have trouble with just this sort of thing!